近日,从Web of Science查新获悉,课题组发表在Nature Materials 2017、Nature Communications 2014的两篇文章,入选Essential Science Indicators (ESI) 高被引论文。ESI高被引论文是指论文受到引用次数归入相关学术领域同一出版年最优秀的前1%之列。其中,Nature Materials归入材料科学 (Materials Science) 学术领域,Nature Communications 归入物理 (Physics) 学术领域。
1. JWD, Xiao-Dong Chen, Hanyu Zhu, Yuan Wang, and Xiang Zhang, "Valley photonic crystals for control of spin and topology," Nature Materials 16, 298-302 (2017).
2. Wen-Jie Chen, Shao-Ji Jiang, Xiao-Dong Chen, Bao-Cheng Zhu, Lei Zhou, JWD, and C. T. Chan, "Experimental realization of photonic topological insulator in a uniaxial metacrystal waveguide," Nature Communications 5, 5782 (2014).