摘要:The presence of hypothetical light scalars or vectors in supernovae could possibly change substantially the neutrino energy emission, the gamma-ray bursts, and the deleptonization processes, thus their mases and couplings to the SM particles are stringently constrained by the SN1987A observations. In this talk we assume the light vector, i.e. dark photon, couples to the SM charged particles due to the kinetic mixing to the SM photon, and obtain the various constraints on the mass and mixing parameters. Another example is a Marojon-like particle which couples, to the lowest order, only to the SM active neutrinos. The lumonosity and deleptonization arguments could also set limits on the scalar mass and couplings.
2003-2007年 山东师范大学本科
2007-2010年 国科大硕士
2010-2014年 北京大学博士(2013-2014年访问美国马里兰大学)
2014-2015年 中科院理论所访问
2015-现在 比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学博士后