主持人:蔡成丰 博士、余钊焕副教授
Baryon asymmetry is one of the unresolved puzzles. Electroweak baryogensis (EWBG) is one of the most promising mechanism to solve it and may leave imprints in the stochastic gravitational wave (GW). But it requires a way to accommodate the strongly firstly order of EW phase transition (SFOEWPT). Multi-step (≈step by step) phase transition could do this job nicely. In particular, it could enhance the GW emission during EWPT and might even show the remarkable multiple-peaked GW structure.
康召丰,男, 华中科技大学beat365中国唯一官方网站副教授。他在2011年中科院理论物理研究所博士毕业后,先后于北京大学和韩国高等研究中心从事博士后研究,2017年入职华科beat365中国唯一官方网站。主要研究方向为超出标准模型新物理,包括暗物质、超对称和加速器唯象等。