职 称: 教授
学 位: 博士
毕业学校: 美国波士顿大学(Boston University)
电子邮件: yaodaox@mail.sysu.edu.cn
美国田纳西大学和橡树岭国家实验室, Research Associate, 2009年9月-12月
美国普渡大学, Postdoctoral Research Associate,2007年4月-2009年8月
美国波士顿大学,Research Assistant, 2003年1月-2007年3月
日本福井大学交换研究生计划, 1996年-1997年
所在学科: 理论物理、凝聚态物理
研究方向: 关联电子体系、高温超导、量子磁性、量子蒙特卡罗、拓扑物质、二维电子体系、光电性质等
浙江大学研究生光华一等奖学金, 1995
浙江大学物理竞赛一等奖, 1992
Frontiers of Physics,编委(2012-2022)
在国际物理学刊物上发表学术论文180余篇,包含Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, NPJ Quantum Materials, Nano Research, Carbon,Frontiers of Physics 封面论文。受邀为科学出版社专著撰写“磁性阻挫系统” 1章。近年代表性工作为:1. 提出了双层镍氧超导体的两轨道模型和高能量的11轨道模型,给出了电子能带结构和费米面,探索了超导转变温度和掺杂效应。2. 研究了二维四八晶格上费米面的完美嵌套,发现自旋涨落可以产生很强的高温超导电性。3. 提出了拓扑磁子的爱因斯坦-德哈斯效应,能够将拓扑、磁子、力学联系起来。4. 提出了铁基超导体的相关磁性模型,探索了铁基超导体中巡游电子与局域磁的相互作用,在磁阻挫系统中发现了共振费弹性X光散射(RIXS)的量子双峰结构。5. 提出了拓扑外尔半金属表面费米弧的半经典理论解释,发现动量和速度之间的非平行性可以导致费米弧的螺旋状结构。6. 用量子蒙特卡洛方法研究了量子自旋系统的基态和激发态,找到了不可压缩的莫特玻璃态,发现了量子相变中的非单调标度行为,理论预测的二重子、四重子激发为中子散射实验所证实。 7. 严格求解了一类几何阻挫系统上的经典Ising模型、量子XXZ与Ising混合模型、Dimer模型,给出了零温熵,发现了具有拓扑性质的闭路气体、近藤金属、自旋液体等新奇物相。有关成果被诺贝尔奖得主主编的专著、Nature、Science等名刊物作为热点专题报告与评述。
[1] Bilayer Two-Orbital Model of La3Ni2O7 under Pressure,
Physical Review Letters 131, 126001 (2023)
[2] Signatures of superconductivity near 80 K in a nickelate under high pressure.
Nature 621, 493 (2023)
[3] Raman spectroscopy of bimagnon and trimagnon excitations and rotonlike points in a distorted triangular lattice antiferromagnet,
Physical Review B 107, 184402 (2023)
[4] Fragile topological phase on the triangular kagome lattice and its bulk-boundary correspondence,
Physical Review B 107, 155129 (2023)
[5] Topological magnons on the triangular kagome lattice,
Physical Review B 107, 024408 (2023).
[6] Room-temperature antiferromagnetic CrSe monolayer with tunable metal-insulator transition in ferroelectric heterostructures,
Applied Physics Letters 122, 172406 (2023)
[7] Spin waves and phase transition on a magnetically frustrated square lattice with long-range interactions,
Frontiers of Physics 18, 33309 (2023)
[8] Fractional and composite excitations of antiferromagnetic quantum spin trimer chains,
NPJ Quantum Materials 7, 3 (2022)
[9] A semiclassical approach to surface Fermi arcs in Weyl semimetals,
Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 65, 266811 (2022)
[10] Phase diagram and magnetic excitation of J1-J3 Heisenberg model on the square lattice,
Physical Review B 106, 125129 (2022).
[11](Fe1−xNix)5GeTe2: An antiferromagnetic triangular Ising lattice with itinerant magnetism,
Physical Review B 106, 224423 (2022)
[12] Ab initio study of magnetic structure transitions of FePS3 under high pressure,
Physical Review B 106, 214408 (2022)
[13] Effective curved space-time geometric theory of generic-twist-angle graphene with application to a rotating bilayer configuration, Physical Review B 105, 245102 (2022)
[14]Bulk and edge dynamics of a two-dimensional Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model,
Physical Review B 105, 014418 (2022)
[15] Chern insulators and high Curie temperature Dirac half-metal in two-dimensional metal-organic frameworks,
Applied Physics Letters 121, 142401 (2022)
[16] Dynamical properties of the Haldane chain with bond disorder, Frontiers of Physics 17, 33503(2022)
[17] Phonon dispersions and electronic structures of two-dimensional IV-V compounds,
Carbon, 172, 345 (2021)
[18] Einstein-de Haas effect of topological magnons,
Physical Review Research 3, 023248(2021)
[19] Inexorable edge Kondo breakdown in topological Kondo insulators, Physical Review B 104, L161119 (2021).
[20] Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of vector chiral ordered kagomé antiferromagnet, NPJ Quantum Materials 5, 78 (2020)
[21] Electronic structure, magnetism, and high-temperature superconductivity in multilayer octagraphene and octagraphite, Physical Review B 102, 174509 (2020)
[22] n-hourglass Weyl fermions in nonsymmorphic materials,
Physical Review B 101, 115110 (2020)
[23] K-edge and L3-edge RIXS study of columnar and staggered quantum dimer phases of the square lattice Heisenberg model, Physical Review B 101, 024426 (2020)
[24] Single-orbital realization of high-temperature s+- superconductivity in the square-octagon lattice,
Physical Review B 99, 184506 (2019)
[25] Spin excitation spectra of the two-dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg model with a checkerboard structure,
Physical Review B 99, 085112 (2019)
[26] Criticality and scaling corrections for two-dimensional Heisenberg models in plaquette patterns with strong and weak couplings,
Physical Review B 99, 174434 (2019)
[27] Imbert-Fedorov shift in pseudospin-N/2 semimetals and nodal-line semimetals
Physical Review B 99, 165406 (2019)
[28] Anomalous Quantum-Critical Scaling Corrections in Two-Dimensional Antiferromagnets,
Physical Review Letters 121, 117202 (2018)
[29] Itinerancy-Enhanced Quantum Fluctuation of Magnetic Moments in Iron-Based Superconductors,
Physical Review Letters 115, 117001 (2015)
[30] Coexistence of spin-1 fermion and Dirac fermion on the triangular kagome lattice,
Physical Review B 98, 161403(R) (2018)
[31] XXZ-Ising model on the triangular kagome lattice with spin 1 on the decorated trimers,
Physical Review E 98, 012127 (2018)
[32] Spontaneous surface current in multicomponent cubic superconductors with time-reversal symmetry breaking,
Physical Review B 98, 014511 (2018)
[33] Spin glass in the bond-diluted J1- J2 Ising model on the square lattice,
Physical Review B 97, 224419 (2018)
[34] Dynamical properties of the S=1/2 random Heisenberg chain,
Physical Review B 97, 104424 (2018)
[35] Interband interference effects at the edge of a multiband chiral p-wave superconductor,
Physical Review B 96, 224504 (2017)
[36] Magnon-phonon coupling effects on the indirect K-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectrum of a two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet,
Physical Review B 96, 144436 (2017)
[37] Universal short-time quantum critical dynamics of finite-size systems,
Physical Review B 96, 094304 (2017)
[38] Modulation of pairing symmetry with bond disorder in unconventional superconductors,
Physical Review B 95, 134513 (2017)
[39] Spin and quadrupolar orders in the spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic model for iron-based superconductors,
Physical Review B 93, 235148 (2016)
[40] Two-Dimensional Pnictogen Honeycomb Lattice: Structure, On-Site Spin-Orbit Coupling and Spin Polarization,
Scientific Reports 5, 11512 (2015)
[41] Criticality and Mott glass phase in a disordered two-dimensional quantum spin system,
Physical Review B 90, 104425 (2014)
[42] Spectrum splitting of bimagnon excitations in a spatially frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet revealed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering,
Physical Review B 89, 165103 (2014)
[43] Kondo Metal and Ferrimagnetic Insulator on the Triangular Kagome Lattice,
Physical Review Letters 108, 246402 (2012)
[44] Electrically controllable surface magnetism on the surface of topological insulator,
Physical Review Letters 106, 097201 (2011)
[45] Spin waves and magnetic exchange interactions in insulating Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2,
Nature Communications 2, 580 (2011)
[46] Quantum phase transitions in disordered dimerized quantum spin models and the Harris criterion,
Physical Review B 82, 172409 (2010)
[47] Spin Waves and Magnetic Exchange Interactions in CaFe2As2,
Nature Physics 5, 555 (2009)
[48] Low energy spin waves and magnetic interactions in SrFe2As2,
Physical Review Letters 101, 167203 (2008)
[49] Magnetic Excitations in the High Tc Iron Pnictides,
Physical Review B 78, 052507 (2008)
[50] XXZ and Ising Spins on the Triangular Kagome Lattice,
Physical Review B 78, 024428 (2008)
[51] Universal Scaling of the Neel Temperature of Near-Quantum-Critical Quasi-Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnets,
Physical Review B 75, 052411 (2007)
[52] Magnetic Excitations of Stripes Near a Quantum Critical Point,
Physical Review Letters 97, 017003 (2006)
[53] Spin Waves in Striped Phases,
Physical Review B 70, 064505 (2004)